Corporate Open Source Anti-Patterns
Bryan Cantrill, previously core developer of Open Solaris, speaks at FISL, July 26, 2012.
Bryan Cantrill, previously core developer of Open Solaris, speaks at FISL, July 26, 2012.
By Sam Stephenson, about his personal history behind the Prototype JS library.
npm author Isaac Schlueter, on why npm succeeded:
You really don’t need to get a bunch of smart folks together to identify a path forward. You need one person, who is of at least average intelligence and preferably below-average cleverness, with a strong will to succeed, and a dedication to the space that they’re in.
Not to toot my own horn here, but npm didn’t work out like it has because I did such a great job coding it. It’s worked out well because I cared enough to keep slogging away at it long after it stopped being fun. There were cuter node package managers when npm was new, but their owners lacked the will to bootstrap their communities, or deal with the nonstop stream of bugs that come their way. The only real “innovation” in npm was that I tried as hard as possible to minimize boilerplate, overhead, ceremony, curation, and other “not getting shit done” aspects of module development. But npm wasn’t the first package manager to have that insight (I stole it from yinst), and the module system and package.json format were developed mostly by other people. I just kept working on it.
What the [front-end] world needs is not a decision, or a committee of smart folks, but a leader who’s willing to do a lot of tedious work for a long time.
That person has to be willing to take on the responsibility of packaging popular modules until there is enough momentum that others want to be included.
I love you, Instagram. You got everybody taking pictures with their phones. That’s a great thing.
I love you, Vine. Looks like you’re getting people taking videos. That’s a great thing too.
But sweet Jimminy, no more squares.
No more squares.
No more squares.
I’m looking at you designers. I realize using a square format for capturing images makes a lot of things easy. The viewport fits in the screen with more space for buttons. Gallery layout is obvious. But this shortcut will eventually lead to a dead end. Galleries will feel homogeneous and flaccid. Compose screens will feel rote and immature.
Rectangular formats have an innate motion and dynamism provided by their orientation. A wide image makes your eyes move horizontally. A tall image makes your eyes vertically. Square images are just there. They are. Sure, this absence of movement can be a refreshing characteristic. Like a sip of water to cleanse the palate. But to have all the photos square? It’s like a tofu-only meal.
Square images are Wes Anderson films. Every shot is sterilized and centered and right there. It feels cute and captured, but never captivating, never human. An orientation tells a simple story. How did the photographer hold her camera? Square images are taken, end of story.
A square is an avatar. It is an icon. It is not a photo. It is not a story.
Programming, burnout, and doing the best work of your life.
James T. Edmondson and I collaborated on a site where you can try out his fonts.
I’m delighted to have made this site.
Making is important to me. It’s how I’d like to measure personal well-being. If I’m making things, then I’m happy. For the past couple years, I’ve been managing success and popularity of Isotope and Masonry. This is a good problem. But it results in me spending a good deal of time not making things. Just closing issues and replying to emails.
When James approached me with this opportunity, I decided to give it top priority in my sitting-in-front-of-a-screen time. Support issues and response emails would be neglected for a bit. I’m happy I did, because I get to walk away with a project completed.
For those of you interested in the codey bits, the project is up on GitHub: (the webfonts are not in the repo, as to protect James’ intellectual property).
The site is built with the Node command line tool grunt. Grunt is well-suited to generate small sites like this one. As it’s in JavaScript, it allows to me to use the same data for both templating and in the live scripts (see site-data.js).
Other development resources include Google Web Font Loader, jQuery BBQ for dynamic hash URLs, and a hack for vertically centered textarea.
This project held an interesting challenge as I had to hand the site back over to James for final implementation. I ended up writing a step-by-step README on how to generate the site, going so far as to explain how to install the OS X Command Line Tools. James was able to get it done, but it’s clear that this process isn’t tenable unless you’re a developer. Ideally, I’d like to provide some sort of interface, with a big button “GENERATE SITE”, and not have to worry about opening up Terminal at all.
For another project, I suppose.
Must read.
This is a Kickstarter for a sword-fighting game, featuring Neal Stephenson, speculative fiction author and the game company’s chairman. You might have seen it a month ago.
What fascinates me about this project is Stephenson’s connection to it. This idea has been in his head for a long time. His break-out book Snow Crash featured a protagonist who engaged in virtual swordplay. Now twenty years later, he’s in a position where he can literally realize the fantasy.
I re-designed my personal site.
It’s a one-pager for now. As most of my work lives in separate places, it made sense to leave out all the sections and sub-pages. is a landing page to take you elsewhere.
Content on the previous version got out-of-date quickly. No one likes seeing that a site hasn’t been updated in 6 months. This version is designed to be a bit “timeless.”
I feel douchey about the disclaimer in contact. I should probably re-word all that.
I implemented two fun-time features. Displacement particles for every character, and animated rainbow hovers on link. Browser performance varies:
Content is generated with Jekyll.
I put together a Makefile to handle automating tasks behind building the site: minifying and concatenating JS, building the site, and deploying to the server. The Make syntax is still foreign to me. I relied on the Twitter Bootstrap Makefile as an example. But it works and it’s convienent to put tasks all in one place.
This week featured a calamitous heat wave and a monumental scientific announcement. We live in our own science fiction. It makes me wonder if our advances in science will ever be able to reconcile our damaging pace of consumption.
A couple recent sites using Twitter Bootstrap:
@jcarbaugh think it's time for ub;dt to be a thing. (used bootstrap; didn't try)
— Dan Drinkard (@dandrinkard) April 23, 2012
Jamie Kosoy on the Beautiful Default (again):
There’s a sameness to them that’s comforting and easy to use, but there are also opportunities to be expressive and interesting that are lost. There are too many developers and designers giving up on craftsmanship to build “good enough” sites and apps.
I realize devvin’ ain’t easy, but when I see these sites, I feel a pang of disappointment.
A Beautiful Default, like Twitter Bootstrap, works best as foundation – something you build off of. When left unchanged, you risk losing the sense of whimsy and personality that makes sites memorable.
We can be so focused with usability and efficiency we can lose sight of the qualities that make for the good stuff.
To that note, I will never forget
Big Spaceship’s Jamie Kosoy on the Beautiful Default:
To borrow from our friend Branden Hall, this is an abuse of the Beautiful Default. The Beautiful Default is a visual trap – it’s something that looks “good enough” to be deployed as is without modifying it’s out-of-the-box look. One the one hand the Beautiful Default allows you to create beautiful things quickly and easily, which is awesome! On the other hand it also makes the thing you’re making look generic. It’s vanilla. It’s the same thing everybody else is making and doing. Think about that, and then think about the majority of iOS apps you’ve seen. Think about all the websites you’ve seen that use Lightbox or Isotope. There’s a sameness to them that’s comforting and easy to use, but there are also opportunities to be expressive and interesting that are lost. There are too many developers and designers giving up on craftsmanship to build “good enough” sites and apps.
I’ve presented twice over the past two weeks. Here is what I need to remember for next time.
Once up on stage, the following will occur:
As an audience member, I have observed I provide no feedback for a speaker to indicate that I’m actually listening. I don’t sit up. I don’t do lots of nodding. I dislike raising my hand to communicate that, indeed, I have used that resource. I imagine everyone else must do the same. When on stage, my brief glimpses into the audience confirmed this theory. Nearly all audience members don’t look that enthusiastic to be there, listening to you. Just have faith and push forward.
As wifi will be confronting Murphey’s Law, there are no guarantees that the Web will be available. I was smart and saved a couple sites locally. But even some of these were flawed, as “Save as Complete Web Page” isn’t so complete. Sites can still load images and scripts dynamically from their original domains. Best precaution is to open up all live sites before the presentation and keep those tabs open.
They don’t just give you a simple situation and let you work it out… Once you’ve done that, it eliminates the joy of discovery, which, as I’ve said, is something I really value. I really value that click that happens in your head between you see something, and you don’t quite understand it, and suddenly you do understand it. That is a fundamental part of human existence in the world – that kind of growth, that kind of expanding my sphere of understanding the world around me.