I re-designed my personal site.
It’s a one-pager for now. As most of my work lives in separate places, it made sense to leave out all the sections and sub-pages. is a landing page to take you elsewhere.
Content on the previous version got out-of-date quickly. No one likes seeing that a site hasn’t been updated in 6 months. This version is designed to be a bit “timeless.”
I feel douchey about the disclaimer in contact. I should probably re-word all that.
Browser performance
I implemented two fun-time features. Displacement particles for every character, and animated rainbow hovers on link. Browser performance varies:
- Chrome: Particles and animated rainbow link perform superbly.
- Safari: Particles perform well, but the rainbow gets especially chunky when there are multiple links with active rainbows.
- Firefox: Rainbow links perform well, but particles are using left/top positioning instead of CSS transforms.
- iOS: No rainbow links because they are no hover states. Instead of particles for every character, I had to fall back to particles for every word. Even then, only the top half of the content gets animated. I’m not sure if this is a bug on my part, or if Mobile Safari simply doesn’t apply 3D transforms to elements far beyond the fold.
- Internet Explorer: Haven’t tested.
Content is generated with Jekyll.
I put together a Makefile to handle automating tasks behind building the site: minifying and concatenating JS, building the site, and deploying to the server. The Make syntax is still foreign to me. I relied on the Twitter Bootstrap Makefile as an example. But it works and it’s convienent to put tasks all in one place.